For the celebration of an event we may consider various set ups. With round or square tables for less or more guests, etc. In this occasion we share some examples of an imperial table set up.

Wedding at Finca Llanos de Belvis. | Wedding Planner: Caprichia.
Long length or imperial tables always favour contact between the guests that take seat. They facilitate conversation between a large number of guests, which is more complicated in round tables, where the number of guests is reduced. Moreover, in a wedding, it becomes easier for the bride and groom to decide where to seat each person.

Event. | Goyo Catering

Wedding at Finca Llanos de Belvis. | Wedding Planner: Caprichia.
The head of the table also becomes simple. If it is to be set in the French way, the persons that preside seat at the centre. If they seat at either extreme of the table then it would be in the English way.

Celebration with an imperial table. | Goyo Catering

Vintage style wedding. | Foto: VIP Comunicación

Table set up in white and pink. | Goyo Catering

Private event. | Goyo Catering
The decoration of an imperial table is very spectacular for its length and the colouring that it can offer. Garlands, flowers and illumination form an unequalled combination.

Wedding with imperial table. | Wedding Planner: Caprichia.