Our team participates in different catering services at home during the year. Theme parties and their personalization will surely provide you ideas for your next event.

Goyo Catering’s team.
The celebration of theme parties is a constant throughout the year. Fun, the opportunity of ‘moving’ to some other place in the world, just for an instant, is always attractive for the guests.
Our team puts effort in designing, together with the collaborators at the event, the perfect atmosphere to recreate the theme for each of the parties we participate in. It is not just the decoration that becomes fundamental. It is also the team of the catering at home, that knows how to capture the soul of the theme parties where they participate and characterize for the occasion.
Theme parties
Some examples of theme parties we have participated in with the personalization of the set up and our team, plus our gastronomy:

Japanese theme party.

Theme party. | Goyo Catering

Theme party. | Goyo Catering
Sometimes it is only a detail, for example a mask, that manages to impregnate the moment with the initial idea that the client has transmitted. Others, we have to go further and find a special uniform for the occasion.
The members of Goyo Catering always enjoy these theme parties. For once in their lives they become citizens of another country, another culture.

Theme party. | Goyo Catering

Theme party. | Goyo Catering

Theme party. | Goyo Catering

Theme party. | Goyo Catering